Press Release 

Thursday 18 October 2018


London.UK. Today, Thursday 18th of October is Anti-Slavery Day in the UK.  While many may think slavery is a thing of the past, modern slavery is estimated to be a £115 billion industry. Human trafficking is an intertwined issue with modern slavery, with the ILO estimating 21 million victims worldwide. Anti Slavery Day was created by the Anti-Slavery Day Act, a Private Members Bill introduced Anthony Steen CBE, now Chair of the Human Trafficking Foundation.

Human Rights at sea works along side other civil society organisations to advocate on ending modern slavery in maritime and fisheries supply chains. HRAS calls and works towards greater transparency for business and human rights action in the maritime sectors by companies so they “know and show” that they do everything they can to fulfil their duty to respect human rights in their operations.

HRAS International Maritime Human Rights Conference taking place on the 29th of October 2018  will explicitly address the issue of forced labour in supply chain in a dedicated panel theme on Proving your Supply Chain against Modern Slavery consisted of  prominent speakers.

Our latest Independent  Research Project into Non-EEA National Working in the Northern Irish Fishing Industry commissioned by the Anglo-Northern Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) is available online to be freely downloaded.