Press Release

6th June 2019

London, UK. Human Rights at Sea today publishes its Timeline of Delivery Impact Report for the fifth year of its charitable NGO work and activities in raising global awareness of human rights abuses at sea.

The report is delivered as an infographic highlighting the key work undertaken by the charity’s trustees, project team, interns and researchers over the period 1 June 2018 – 31 May 2019, though does not show all activities and impacts, many of which are on-going and will be covered in the fifth annual report that is currently being complied.

Founder, David Hammond, commented: “It was only when we reviewed the first proofs of this fifth Timeline report that we realised just how much has been achieved by a dedicated small team, often working pro bono and remotely from around the world. We are proud of our achievements and thank our donors and partners for all their continuing support.”

Impact Report Year Five: Timeline of Delivery 2018-2019