Press Release

2 May 2020

“Don’t only think of commercial gain, spare a thought for us. We are tired and depressed and want to go home.”

London, UK. The South China Morning Post has conducted an investigation into the ongoing conditions for seafarers on onboard vessels currently stuck at sea during the COVID-19 pandemic, including cases and commentary from Human Rights at Sea.

Published today and titled ‘‘Prisoners at sea’: stuck on board cargo ships, crews find their mental well-being under threat‘, the long read article has been complied by journalist, Kate Whitehead.

CEO, David Hammond, said: “The charity was pleased to contribute its work and resources to what is a fair and balanced article highlighting current realities of the often-silent global work force of seafarers keeping shipping lanes running during the COVID-19 pandemic, but who themselves are increasingly suffering through a lack of crew change which is seeing their time onboard extended often without firm end-dates.”

The issue of availability of quality PPE continues to be highlighted following the charity’s public raising of the issue on 13 April 2020.

About Human Right at Sea

Human Rights at Sea is an independent charitable NGO registered in the UK. It is a non-political, non-religious and objective civil-society platform with a mission to explicitly raise awareness, implementation and accountability of human rights provisions throughout the maritime environment, especially where they are currently absent, ignored or being abused.