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Sign up now for the first International Maritime Human Rights Conference

‘We welcome this first International Maritime Human Rights conference as a wonderful opportunity to shine a spotlight on the human rights of seafarers and fishers.’

Martin Foley
National Director, Apostleship of the Sea

Martin Foley

With only three weeks to go before this ground-breaking event, Martin Foley, a member of the IMHR Advisory Board, explains why it is so imperative to draw global attention to the welfare of seafarers and their working conditions.

‘The mission of the Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is to serve and support the spiritual, pastoral and practical welfare of seafarers. When our port chaplains and ship visitors visit seafarers on their ships we gain their unique perspective on life at sea. Thankfully, the majority of seafarers are treated fairly by their employers, benefiting from good living and working conditions and appropriate salary levels.

‘However, unfortunately we still encounter seafarers whose human rights are infringed. Salaries have not been paid for months. Others are bullied and subject to physical or verbal harassment. Others still are forced to live and work in filthy, sometimes insanitary conditions.

‘Many seafarers are reluctant to complain, fearful of compounding their situation and being blacklisted. Perhaps those responsible for these human rights abuses believe that seafarers’ invisibility in our society allows them to act with impunity.

‘Regardless, so long as seafarers’ human rights are not universally upheld and respected AoS is pleased to work with fellow NGOs, like Human Rights at Sea, to build a maritime world where seafarers’ human rights are recognised and protected. We welcome this first International Maritime Human Rights conference as a wonderful opportunity to shine a spotlight on the human rights of seafarers and fishers. ‘

Delegate passes for the conference and networking evening reception, can be booked through the event website, click here.

To see the full conference programme and speaker line up, please click here.

Sponsorship and delegate enquiries: Jerry Carter, Petrospot Ltd. Tel: +44 1295 814 455;

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