Press Release

Wednesday 11 December 2019

On Human Rights Day 2019, the Seafood Working Group has published a Statement on the U.S. Government Decision to Suspend Thailand’s Trade Preferences Due to Worker Rights Issues.

The statement is a result of the co-drafting of diverse organizations with a unified message, including Human Rights at Sea.

In the wake of the U.S. decision to suspend $1.3 billion in trade privileges for Thailand, 24 organizations participating in the Seafood Working Group published a statement on Human Rights Day strongly urging the Thai government to take steps to afford all workers their internationally recognized rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining and to end widespread use of forced labor.

The organizations also urge leading seafood companies in the Seafood Task Force to ensure that workers’ rights are fully protected in their supply chains.

With six months to make reforms for US #GSP trade benefits, the Seafood Working Group calls on the Thai government and Seafood Task Force to afford internationally recognized worker rights to all workers and end egregious abuse throughout the Thai economy.

Seafood Working Group Statement – 10 December 2019

On Human Rights Day 2019, the Seafood Working Group has published a Statement on the U.S. Government Decision to Suspend Thailand’s Trade Preferences Due to Worker Rights Issues and a related press release.