Press Release

28th November 2019

London. UK. The first stage of the inaugural UK Fisheries Sector Human Rights and Social Welfare Baseline Project has started as part of new joint work between Human Rights at Sea and The Fishermen’s Mission.

Human Rights at Sea has been variously asked if there is a need for such an assessment in terms of the level of human rights and social welfare provisions in the sector. This includes levels of awareness, education and levels of basic understanding of individual fundamental rights, individual protections and routes to effective remedy within the UK Fisheries sector including, but not limited to, the emergence of ILO 188 ‘Work in Fishing Convention’ and resultant UK legislation.

A joint team from both organisations will now undertake a desk-level review, face-to-face meetings, evidence collation and data analysis during December 2019, personally interviewing relevant stakeholders in terms of fishing Federations, Producer Organisations, other relevant entities and fishers in the local communities.

The aim of the first stage is to complete and publish an independent Needs Assessment report in January 2020 to answer the basic question of need, or otherwise, for a follow-on comprehensive Stage 2 Baseline Assessment covering all human rights and social welfare provisions in the UK Fisheries sector.

The project has been seed-funded by The Fishmonger’s Company in London.



David Hammond, CEO
+44 203 700 4396