Immediate Press Release

June 18 2020

Statement of Human Rights at Sea in response to the  Press Release/Commentary on the ITF’s Call to Action  ‘Enough is Enough Action’ issued 16th of June 2020

LONDON.UK The Charity would like to retract the Press Release Commentary titled ‘Human Rights at Sea strongly denounces ITF’s ‘Enough is Enough’ Call to Action’ published on Human Rights at Sea website and social media platforms on June 16.

The Charity further apologises for the language, the tone and the criticism with respect to ITF’s Call to Action.  During the Covid-19 pandemic the Charity has been primarily supporting seafarers, highlighting the challenges they face. The charity’s remit, however, is wider than this, with a focus and mission that includes fishers, business and human rights as well as migrants and refugees, all of which will continue to be at the centre of Human Rights at Sea’s on-going work.

Human Rights supports any action that is a genuine attempt to help seafarers wherever they are.

On behalf of the Charity and the Board of Trustees.