Introducing the Charter of Naples
Human Rights at Sea is pleased to introduce the Charter of Naples: a bilingual policy oriented document aimed to suggest to national and European policy-makers the way forward to deal with migrations in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Charter, includes six concrete proposals, which acknowledge the results obtained from the initiative “Stakeholder Questionnaires – Migration at Sea: A comprehensive Approach” and takes into account the discussion held at the Stakeholders Workshop “From Mare Nostrum to Triton and the Way Forward to Deal with Migration in the Mediterranean Sea”, held at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy, on 15 May 2015.
The document, launched officially on the World Refugee Day, has been supported by MARSAFENET – a network of experts on the legal aspects of maritime safety and security – and JMCE Migrants – the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean – which aim both to foster the exchange of information and practices among stakeholders and promote the adoption of feasible and suitable solutions.
MARSAFENET – a network of experts on the legal aspects of maritime safety and security – and the JMCE Migrants – the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean – which aim both to foster the exchange of information and practices among stakeholders and promote the adoption of feasible and suitable solutions,
Taking into account the discussion held at the Stakeholders Workshop From Mare Nostrum to Triton and the Way Forward to Deal with Migration in the Mediterranean Sea, which took place at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy, on the 15th of May 2015 (hereinafter the Stakeholder Workshop), Acknowledging the intervention at the Stakeholder Workshop of the representatives of the IOM – the International Organisation for Migration -, UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency -, Frontex – the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union -, the NATO Defence College, ASGI – the Italian Association for Juridical Studies, CIR – the Italian Council for Refugees -, Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale, LESS – Lotta all’Esclusione Sociale per lo Sviluppo del Mezzogiorno d’Italia -, MOAS – the Migrant Offshore Aid Station -, the Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Diritti Umani, and encouraging their work to deal with the phenomenon of migrations in the Mediterranean,
Acknowledging the contribution at the Stakeholder Workshop of the representatives of the Italian Coast Guard and the Italian Navy, and taking note of the data illustrated, concerning search and rescue operations of migrants at sea…..