Media Release – Job Opening

International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) 

Senior Campaign Coordinator

London. The International Labor Rights Forum is a human rights organization that advocates for workers worldwide. Human Rights at Sea has actively worked alongside ILRF to better the lives of seafarers and fishermen in the seafood industry in a number of projects, with a particular focus on South East Asia during 2015-2016. Human Rights at Sea is a member of the Thai Seafood Working Group, a coalition of nearly 60 human rights, labor and environmental organizations that develop and advocate for improved working conditions in Thailand. 

ILRF is seeking for a new Senior Campaign Coordinator. The Senior Campaign Coordinator will carry out public campaign advocacy for workers’ rights, particularly as it relates to labor rights in globally traded agricultural commodities. The position is a senior level position within ILRF’s advocacy and campaigns team. To view the full job description, please see here.  The deadline is 23 April 2018.