Press Release 

Wednesday 3 June 2020

MV Gulf Sky – Update

London.UK. The ongoing case of the MV Gulf Sky published by Human Rights at Sea last week, reported on the challenges and standing problems of the crew when salaries, provisions and management communications are disrupted. The charity has continued to follow the case and yesterday ( 2 June 2020), was updated by the flag State as to the further actions being taken from their position.

The vessel is currently anchored off Port Khor Fakkan Anch, UAE with 22 Indian seafarers on board, with the case known about by the UAE authorities via the Federal Transport Authority (FTA) with whom Human Rights at Sea is in regular contact.

On the 1st June, the Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Administration in a letter to the Manager and Operator of the MV Gulf Sky (IMO 9150377), notified both entities of its intention to refer the case to mediation in relation to the continuing non-payment of the seafarers’ wages owed beyond three months.

An extract from the letter disclosed to Human Right at Sea by the Commonwealth of Dominica with permission to reproduce, states that:

“The Dominica Maritime Administration (“Administration”) continues to be deeply concerned regarding the humanitarian conditions onboard the vessel Gulf Sky (IMO 9150377) and the failure to provide the crew of the vessel their earned wages. The Administration considers the employment of seafarers without financial compensation to be contemporary slavery and strong action will be taken if the seafarers’ grievances are not timely addressed”.

According to the Administration Procedures, the vessel’s operator has to apply for mediation to the chosen mediation centre within fourteen (14) days at his own costs.  Failure to enter mediation or resolve the seafarer grievances will result in the flag Administration taking further action.


Human Rights at Sea welcomes the flag State’s continuing oversight of the case, and its stated commitment to the respect for the human rights of all seafarers onboard the MV Gulf Sky. The continuous and transparent engagement with our charity over this case is a good example of transparent flag state and civil-society dialogue on the issues of human rights at sea.

Human Rights at Sea will continue to engage with all stakeholders in this matter, continue tracking and publicly highlighting issues raised, as well as the outcome reached for the public record.



Seafarers’ Challenges during COVID-19: The Case of MV Gulf Sky (27 May 2020)

This Case Study reports on the situation on board on the MV Gulf Sky (IMO 150377) flying the flag of the US-based Dominica Flag State Administration currently anchored off Port Khor Fakkan Anch, UAE. The Master, who on behalf of the crew, appealed to Human Rights at Sea has raised serious concerns about the welfare of the seafarers and the financial hardships that they are subject to given the three months delay in their wages, as well as their living conditions onboard including periodic re-supply of essential victuals.