Press Release

23 December 2020

London.UK. Human Rights at Sea today publishes its sixth annual report for reporting period between May 2019 – June 2020 continuing to assure transparency in all areas of its national and international work and its use of donor funds.

This year has been perhaps the busiest year for our charity, focusing on expanding our human rights development work in the maritime environment around the globe. Some of our key works are highlighted by examples within this Annual Report. We are proud to report that six years after our inception we have contributed to legislative and policy impact in 20 countries.

As the charity continues its national and international development, the engagement of further high-calibre trustees from a wide-ranging field of expertise, combined with a passion to affect social change in the human rights field, is essential for the organisation’s ambitious plans.

CEO, David Hammond, commented: “Each year we report that it has been busier than the previous year, that the scope and scale of our work has increased and most importantly, that the ‘human rights at sea’ narrative is growing internationally. This has never been truer in this current reporting period. 2021 and beyond are going to be exciting periods in our organisation’s development and already, we are planning the next report’s findings reflecting new investment, innovative work areas and new global partnerships.”

For more information:

Elizabeth Mavropoulou, Programme Manager:
