
Today, the independent maritime human rights charity Human Rights at Sea delivers the first in a series of new publications specifically focused on the implementation of the 2011 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the maritime environment.


Titled as: ‘AN INTRODUCTION & COMMENTARY TO THE 2011 UN GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS & THEIR IMPLEMENTATION IN THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT’, the charity has worked with key stakeholders and human rights experts over a period of six months to provide a free and professionally produced publication in support of its Charitable Objectives expressly covering the topic.

The publication covers the background to the subject, the emerging need in the maritime environment, examples and case studies, as well as suggested self-help guidance for all maritime business enterprises and their senior management.

Reviewed by the team at the London-based Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, as well as the UN Global Compact (UK) and drafted alongside CLTenvirolaw, the new publication demonstrates the increasing need for the implementation of the UNGPs in the maritime environment for all maritime business enterprises as a matter of course, not as a matter of exception.

The Foreword has been written by Phil Bloomer, Executive Director of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, who says: “This Human Rights at Sea publication is a welcome and important contribution to raise awareness about human rights responsibilities of businesses among a sector that has been largely absent from most discussions around the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”

The Charity’s CEO, David Hammond, commented: “We are very grateful for all expert input by key stakeholders contributing to yet another one of our expanding core publications. Unfortunately, to date, the subject matter has not received the kind of engagement with that one would expect from businesses operating ethically and socially responsibly within the maritime supply chain. We therefore aim to drive change and we hope that leadership on this matter will start to be shown more widely by the shipping and fisheries industries. Meantime, our charity will continue to deliver relevant supporting guidance and free publications concerning human rights at sea that are well researched, objective and independently produced.”

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Human Rights at Sea is a registered charity based in England. Its aim is to explicitly raise awareness, implementation and accountability of human rights provisions throughout the maritime environment, especially where they are currently absent, ignored or being abused.



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