Press Release Immediate

Tuesday 25 September 2018

London.UK.Human Rights at Sea presents Eleanor Farrow as a speaker at the International Maritime Human Rights Conference 2018

Eleanor Farrow is the Project Coordinator for the eyeWitness to Atrocities initiative at the International Bar Association. Eleanor engages with a worldwide network of human rights monitors documenting human rights violations with photo, video and audio recordings. She has worked in Africa, Eastern Europe and South East Asia. Eleanor has an LLB in UK Law, and an LLM in International Human Rights Law and Practice. Her publications include ‘eyeWitness to Atrocities: Verifying Images with Metadata’ in Digital Investigative Journalism Palgrave MacMillan Nov 2018. Eleanor’s research interests include human rights fact-finding, transitional justice, international criminal law, verification tools, human rights and technology.

Eleanor will partake in session 2 of the conference, on the topic of ‘Technology and Human Rights’.

Visit the website and book a ticket for the 2018 International Maritime Human Rights Conference here.