Press Release

Tuesday 24 July 2018

London. UK. Human Rights at Sea in partnership with University of Bristol Human Rights Clinic and Human Rights Implementation Centre have published the first report on ‘Flag States and Human Rights’. The report is a study on flag state practice in monitoring, reporting and enforcing human rights obligations onboard vessels.

The Flag State Research Project: Human rights abuses occur within the maritime environment; however this is a relatively unexplored, undiscussed and often ignored issue. The aim of the report is to understand how different flag states comply with their international human rights obligations and through these findings to increase awareness of human rights abuses occurring at sea and the challenges in effectively monitoring and reporting them.

The University of Bristol’s Human Rights Implementation Centre offers a unique opportunity for Law School students to conduct applied research in collaboration with valued partners through its Human Rights Law Clinic. The nature of the Clinic attracts action-oriented students seeking to gain practical experience and apply their talents towards the advancement of human rights beyond the classroom.

In the Centre’s second year working with Human Rights at Sea, the Flag State Research Project was established to explore how three key flag States meet their international human rights obligations aboard vessels registered under their flag.

Professor Rachel Murray, Director of the University of Bristol Human Rights Implementation Centre commented on the Report:

“This year we have been delighted to partner with the organisation ‘Human Rights at Sea’ as one of the projects upon which our students in our Human Rights Law Clinic worked. The Human Rights Law Clinic enables students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, to team with an external organisation and practitioners, to carry out research for them which will be of benefit in their work. It provides the students with real-life practical application of their developing legal knowledge and gives them an opportunity to enhance their legal research and analytical skills. The students benefit enormously from the work and have found it stimulating and enjoyable”.

Human Rights at Sea proudly supports the work of University of Bristol Human Rights Implementation Centre and congratulates the students who authored the report for their hard work. The Flag State Research Project will continue to be developed.

Download and read the report