Press Release

9 July 2020

London. UK. Following unprecedented demand for copies of the new Human Rights at Sea fisheries report ‘Fisheries Observer Deaths at Sea, Human Rights and the Role and Responsibilities of Fisheries Organisations ‘, the charity has updated its download options to provide both high and low resolution versions.

Fisheries Observer Deaths at Sea, Human Rights and the Role and Responsibilities of Fisheries Organisations – Optimised

Download the optimised version of the 1 July HRAS report (8 MB)

HRAS_Abuse_of_Fisheries_Observers_REPORT_JULY-2020_SP_OPTIMISED (1).pdf

Fisheries Observer Deaths at Sea, Human Rights and the Role and Responsibilities of Fisheries Organisations – 1 July 2020 Report

Download our latest independent report on the issues faced by Fisheries Observers, their safety, well-being and personal security when operating alone at sea dated 1 July 2020. (High Resolution Version)