Human Rights at Sea strongly applauds the ongoing work by New Zealand lawyer, Karen Harding, in securing the first stage of review of existing New Zealand legislation by the supreme Court which has given a lifeline to Indonesian fishermen seeking an effective remedy against their former South Korean employers for unpaid wages and slave-like treatment while reportedly working up to 24 hour shifts with few breaks.

The issue has been highlighted though the New Zealand NGO, Slave Free Seas, itself a Supporting entity to the charity. In support, Human Rights at Sea has featured the issues as case studies and linked associated evidential videos the charity’s YouTube Channel.

Download Slave Free Seas Case Study Part 1 and Part 2.

Download Human Rights at Sea New Zealand Fisheries Case Study

View You Tube evidential video


Original Article: RNZ 2 March 2018

Court clears way for fishermen to claim against forfeited vessels

7:12 pm on 2 March 2018

The lawyer for a group of Indonesian fishermen seeking $6 million from their former employer says a Supreme Court decision in their favour is just a small step on their path to justice.

The court has ruled that the fishermen can claim proceeds from the sale of vessels forfeited to the Crown by their former employer.

Karen Harding said the men were delighted with today’s decision but it could be at least another 10 years before their case was fully resolved.

The fishermen worked for the South Korean company Sajo Oyang, in New Zealand waters from 2008 to 2011.

As well as not being paid, the fishermen claimed they were treated like slaves and forced to live in cockroach-riddled spaces, sleep in wet bedding and eat flea-ridden food.