30 April 2019

London. UK. Human Rights at Sea, alongside the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) and The Fishermen’s Mission, publishes today a new briefing note covering the topic of UK Share Fishermen in respect of the ILO 188 Work in Fishing Convention 2007 to provide clarity and a new baseline reference publication in support of new UK legislation reflecting the application of ILO 188.

ILO 188 is an international minimum standard regulating living and working conditions on board fishing vessels. It is based on a tripartite agreement reflecting the needs of the fishing industry, and came into force internationally on 16 November 2017

The new Briefing Note aims to provide readers with a plain-English explanation of the status of share fishermen, and it intends to help those in the UK fisheries supply chain better understand the basis upon which share fishermen are engaged, the activities they undertake, and the rights and responsibilities they have.

Robert Greenwood, Safety and Training Officer, NFFO, commented that: “The right to be a share fisherman is an important part of the UK Fishing industry and is a historic privilege enjoyed by both fisherman and vessel owners equally. The introduction of ILO C188 Work in Fishing Convention and its implementation into UK law, includes both employed and share fishermen, and this independent briefing note by Human Rights at Sea clarifies that the rights of a share fishermen should be unaffected by the Work in Fishing Convention changes.”

Commodore David Dickens RN CBE, Chief Executive of The Fishermen’s Mission said: “This timely briefing brings much needed clarity to assessments of the rights of share catch fisherman in light of the Work in Fishing Convention legislation. It also allows individual fishermen and the industry to see clearly the overall welfare balance of choosing to work as a share catch fisherman.”

Founder and Trustee, David Hammond reflected: “We are pleased to deliver this publication which has been produced with support from the industry, The Fishermen’s Mission and the NFFO to provide a useful reference tool and explanatory document in order to assist with understanding UK fisheries working conditions under ILO 188.”

UK Share Fishermen Briefing Note: A Practical Guide & Review of Status April 2019

This Briefing Note aims to provide readers with a plain English explanation of the status of share fishermen. The Briefing Note intends to help those in the UK fisheries supply chain better understand the basis upon which share fishermen are engaged, the activities they undertake, and the rights and responsibilities they have.

The publication has been co-funded with generous financial support from The Fishmongers’ Company, Seafarers UK and the John Ellerman Foundation.



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