16 January 2018

Human Rights at Sea is pleased to announce a new and unique partnership with the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre through the launching this week of the new global platform for recording cases of maritime human rights abuses, highlighting pertinent international cases from the shipping and fisheries industries, and publishing cases relevant to identifying best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices for companies operating in the maritime sector.

This is the first such dedicated international maritime reporting platform to be linked with the global reporting hub hosted by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, and is a joint initiative to continue the ongoing advocacy efforts centred around highlighting human rights abuses at sea.

At the time of launch, there are references to over 50 international companies and multiple links to corporate cases which can be identified using the online search function across the maritime industry, fishing industry and ship-breaking resource pages.



New fisheries resource page. BHRRC website.

BHRRC. Maritime industries continue to face serious human rights and labour rights abuses, from modern-day-slavery in the fisheries industry to labour rights violations of seafarers and those who work in shipbreaking yards. Businesses, through their operations and supply chains, should uphold human rights equally as they do on land and at sea.

This in-depth area (on the BHRRC website) will look into the specific labour rights issues and human rights abuses in the maritime industry with a focus on three sub-categories: seafaring, fisheries and shipbreaking.

Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre said: “From working conditions of ship workers to modern-day-slavery in the fishing industry, to violent attacks by pirates and others, to environmental contamination affecting human health, the industry is in need of norms, and standards to address these issues effectively.”

David Hammond, Founder and Trustee of HRAS commented that: “This is another positive step forwards for the ongoing advocacy drive aiming to tackle the current lack of transparency in the maritime supply chain, particularly when it comes to identifying and highlighting cases of abuse at sea. The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre is a trusted international hub known for objective reporting and which encourages transparency through recording cases on the public record. The platform also allows us to identify and showcase examples of best practice to further elevate standards of CSR reporting and related activities within the corporate maritime sector.”


Maritime Industry and Human Rights Resource Page 

Maritime Industry and Human Rights: Fishing

Maritime Industry and Human Rights: Ship breaking