Seaman Guard

The three year case of the imprisoned crew and security guards of the MV Seaman Guard Ohio in an Indian prison continues. This Christmas, please support them with a card.

This year and once again, the crew, including six former HM Armed Forces veterans and maritime security guards innocently caught up in this incident, remain in jail awaiting to hear the outcome of their legal appeal while maintaining their innocence throughout.

Below, is the text from one of the families and most importantly, it includes the names and the address for the security team in India in Puzhal Prison.

David Hammond, CEO, said: “Human Rights at Sea has always supported the families in this case alongside other welfare organisations and we do encourage and in fact we urge you to send the crew and the UK security team a Christmas card to let them know that they are not forgotten. The conditions that the crew are stoically bearing are none that you would wish for a family member to suffer. Please take a moment to write. It is only the cost of a stamp to India.”



Have you signed the UK Petition for their freedom yet?  379 051 people have. If not – see HERE.

Thank you.

Billy Irving


Credit: The Daily Mail.
Billy Irving, 35, pictured with his fiancee Yvonne MacHugh and their son William when she visited him in India.

From Yvonne MacHugh, fiancee of jailed maritime security guard, Billy Irving:

“As I sit here tonight writing Christmas cards, and reading the ones I’ve already received I cannot help but think about Billy and the lads in Prison.

Not a second goes past that I don’t think about them, But at this time of Year it always feels a lot harder to comprehend they are in in prison. This will be there second Christmas in Puzhal Prison and their Third Christmas spent in India, away from friends and family.

At this point while we wait for a verdict there is very little else we can do. I did think however that there is something we can all do, to brighten up the long, monotonous days the men spend in prison and spread some Christmas Cheer to our men in Chennai.

When writing your cards this year why not write one more, pop it in a envelope and send it to one or all of the men in India. I’ll attach their address to the bottom of this update and a list of their names, wither you know them or not I am more than sure a Christmas card would be the very thing to reassure them that despite being in prison they’ve not been forgotten.”

[The Maritime Security Guards]

Billy Irving, John Armstrong, Nick Dunn, Nick Simpson, Paul Towers, Ray Tindall

[The Prison Address]

Office of the Superintendant, Central Prison 1, Puzhal, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, India, 600066

Sending you all every Christmas Blessing



Thank you for supporting. #chennai6