Missing Seafarer Oleksandr Chernyshenko

Oleksandr Chernyshenko

Human Rights at Sea has been informed by the Ukrainian Marine Trade Union’s Federation of the case of Oleksandr Chernyshenko who went missing from the Panamanian flagged M/T VIOLET-1, IMO 9154000, an oil/chemical tanker on 28 May 2017 at 0330 local time while en-route to Port of Tokuyama, Japan.

HRAS has been informed that it was only at 1730 local time that same day that the vessel turned around to search for Oleksandr meaning that had he fallen overboard, he would have been in the water for 12 hours before the alarm was raised.



Photo Credit: Marine Traffic

On arrival at the Port of Tokuyama, it is understood that local authorities commenced an investigation, but to date little information has been made available to the family.


N.B. Information supplied to HRAS is reviewed and checked as far as is possible. HRAS publishes in good faith and is not responsible in anyway, whatsoever, for inaccurate information. Factual mistakes should be immediately alerted to the charity via enquiries@humanrightsatsea.org.