22nd February 2019

London.UK. Human Rights at Sea is pleased to announce that its Missing Seafarers & Fishers Reporting Programme has had its intellectual property (IP) reinforced in respect of protecting the original concept, logo, name and the work of the charity through the award of a Trademark by the UK Intellectual Property Office (Patent Office) as of 18 January 2019 under the Trade Marks Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This covers its previous work under the former programme title of the Missing Seafarers Reporting Programme.

The Charity commented: “It is important that when Human Rights at Sea develops new ideas, concepts and work, often at considerable cost from our donors, that our intellectual property is protected with credit duly applied by other individuals and entities who wish to engage with our ideas and concepts.”

The charity’s IP and data protection has been supported by Mishcon de Reya LLP, London.

Please support our work exposing and raising awareness of human rights abuses at sea.