Press Release

22 July 2020

London. UK. The Missing Seafarers & Fishers Reporting Programme is Human Rights at Sea’s flagship programme delivered by the Charity in 2015, and supported by Seafarers UK funding.  Today, it is an international secured database that aims to track the numbers and status of seafarers and fishermen missing at sea on a global basis. Most recently, it has been updated and the process of submission by interested parties has been refined.

The Mission of the Programme is to support seafarers, fishers and their dependents by the registration and tracking on behalf of those missing at sea through a secure on-line Register. Hence, it relies upon voluntary support to run and deliver on behalf of families who have lost loved ones at sea. Currently, the Register has recorded 245 missing seafarers and fishers.

Human Rights at Sea is registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.  As such, it abides by the legal standards required of all data controllers under the UK Data Protection Act 1998.  Identified stakeholders (Users) interested in the data can be found here.

Human Rights at Sea Programme Manager and Trustee Elizabeth Mavropoulou commented: 

“We have updated the website with a new look to revamp our flagship programme because we believe in the value of data to highlight important issues such as disappearances onboard, a phenomenon that the past five years we have witnessed as being on the rise. Our Register is thus built so stakeholders interested in the investigation on behalf of those missing at sea, or interested in the wider concept, can gain access to a secure on-line platform on a partnership basis.”