15 January 2019

Any advice for people going to sea? “It’s up to them. Anything can happen at sea.”

Munivai Taukave Lorenti

London.UK. Human Rights at Sea today publishes a new redacted case study, including witness statements detailing the background to the killing of Fesaitu Riamkau in Panama, a Fijian crewman working onboard a Taiwanese fishing vessel flagged to Vanuatu.

In 2019 the charity will continue its research, investigation and advocacy to expose cases of human rights abuse to ensure a public record is maintained, and to keep such matters alive for wider international awareness and crucially, in support of family attempts at attaining recognition of their loss through their own accounts.

The charity thanks its close partner and fellow NGO, Pacific Dialogue, for their support in bringing the case to public attention.

The Killing of Fesaitu Raimkau: A Fijian Crewman in Panama

The redacted HRAS case study and witness statements detailing the background to the murder of Fesaitu Raimkau in Panama, a Fijian crewman working onboard a Taiwanese fishing vessel flagged to Vanuatu.

Please support our work exposing and raising awareness of human rights abuses at sea.