Press Release

22 March 2018

London. The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has called for an immediate investigation into the disappearance of 45-year-old seafarer, Arnel Gillo who was reported missing on the 13th March 2018 on the Flag of Convenience ship “Galloway Express”, bound for Australia.

Dean Summers, ITF National Co-ordinator said the Queensland Police had boarded the vessel yesterday when it docked at Townsville, but he called into question their understanding of the crew’s language, culture, and appreciation of maritime industry.

“The Australian Federal Police need to investigate this incident as a matter of urgency given their experience and involvement in other maritime cases.

“The disappearance occurred in international waters and should be investigated by the AFP who have experience on dealing with these cases following the high-profile case of FOC Sage Sagittarius in 2012 where three seafarers died, and the NSW coroner found at least two were victims of foul play.


Read the full article of the Maritime Union of Australia  here
