Press Release

27 July 2020

London. UK. Human Rights at Sea is pleased to formally announce the expansion of its Board of Trustees with the addition of four new Trustees: Mr. Alex Kemp, London-based Partner at HFW LLP; Mrs. Ruth Crowell, Chief Executive of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA); Mr. Matthew Vickers, Chief Executive and Chief Ombudsman at the Ombudsman Service; and Mr. Enrique Restoy, Head of Evidence at Frontline AIDS.

As the charity continues its national and international development, the engagement of high-calibre Trustees from a wide-ranging field of expertise combined with a passion to affect social change in the human rights field is essential for the organisation’s ambitious plans.

Chair of Trustees, Fiona Laurence, said: “It is with great pleasure that we welcome Alex, Ruth, Matthew and Enrique to the Human Rights at Sea team, and who collectively bring a wealth of experience to our organisation from across the public and private sectors.”

Alex Kemp commented: “I am very excited to be joining HRAS as a trustee. They have achieved so much since their inception 7 years ago and I look forward to playing a small part in what I am sure will be a period of continued growth and development.  

Ruth Crowell commented: I’m delighted to be able to share my passion for human rights as well as experience developing global standards with Human Rights at Sea.  It is an inspirational organisation and I look forward to working with David Hammond and the whole team on their important mission to ensure human rights exist on sea as they do on land.

Matthew Vickers said“Advancing and protecting rights is critical at a time when political systems, societies and economies are grappling with existential threats and unprecedented opportunities. Shared values, confidence in effective protections and a recognition of the distinctive yet global challenges of how to uphold rights at sea is important yet too often forgotten work in building a fairer world.”

Enrique Restoy commented: “Along my professional career, I have seen far too often how human rights abuses in the sea are overlooked. Out of sight, and out of accountability, millions of people are constantly exposed to such abuses. Human Rights at Sea is fighting to expose such abuses and make governments act. It is a privilege to take a small part in such critical work.”

HRAS would like to acknowledge Nurole Platform for its services in providing us with a high calibre of board level candidates.

Read More on our Trustees’  dedicated profiles.