Press Release

June 12 2020

London, UK. Human Rights at Sea today publishes its Impact Report for the sixth year of its charitable NGO work and activities in raising global awareness of human rights abuses at sea to drive institutional change and better protections for those living, working, transiting and otherwise operating in the maritime environment.

The Report is delivered as an infographic highlighting the key work undertaken by the charity’s trustees, project team and researchers over the period 1 June 2019 – 31 May 2020.

The Report includes Case Studies, Briefing Notes, Baseline Studies, Family Impact Statements, News Feed,  Podcasts, Webinars and Interviews, Publications and other key work Human Rights at Sea has delivered covering 24 countries.

CEO, David Hammond, commented: “Looking back over the last 12 months of hard work by a dedicated team, it is only when the Charity’s work is laid out visually, that we see the true scale of our engagement and the reach the charity has had, and continues to have.”

Impact Report Year Six – Human Rights Development in the Maritime Environment

UPDATED: 4 October 2020 to include annual accounts.

Human Rights at Sea Impact Report for the sixth of its charitable NGO work and activities in raising global awareness of human rights abuses at sea and driving institutional change.

The report is delivered as an infographic highlighting the key work undertaken by the charity’s trustees, project team and researchers over the period 1 June 2019 – 31 May 2020.