Press Release Immediate

Friday 21 September 2018

London.UK. Another of the speakers for the International Maritime Human Rights conference 2018 is proudly presented by Human Rights at Sea: Phil Bloomer.

Phil Bloomer is the Executive Director of Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, a digital action platform in eight languages that empowers human rights advocates in business, government, and civil society; tracks the human rights performance of over 7,000 companies around the world; and seeks corporate accountability for around 400 allegations of abuse each year. Programmes are refocused on the promotion of labour rights – from preventing modern slavery and trafficking, to advocating for a living wage; responsible use of natural resources, with emphasis on energy and a just transition to zero carbon economies; and the protection of civic freedoms and human rights defenders.

Phil is a director of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) that works with investors, and ranks the largest companies in high risk sectors regarding their human rights policy, practice and performance. The CHRB will integrate with the World Benchmarking Alliance in the next two years. Phil also helps lead the Business Network for the Protection of Civic Freedoms and Human Rights Defenders.

Phil was previously the Director of Campaigns and Policy at Oxfam, where he led global campaigns on climate justice, trade and investment for development, access to medicines, universal primary education, and major humanitarian crises. Previously, Phil worked for 11 years in Central America and Colombia working on human rights, especially indigenous rights, and broader economic justice.

Phil will be participating in session 1 of the conference, ‘Proofing your supply chain against modern slavery’.

Visit the website and book a ticket for the 2018 International Maritime Human Rights Conference here.