6th December 2018

London.UK. Human Rights at Sea publishes its latest legal research paper on maritime business and human rights as part of its ongoing legal research programme. The paper  titled ‘A UN Convention on Business and Human Rights. How it would look like for the maritime sector: legal and practical implications‘, is authored by Alejandro Guzmán Woodroffe, HRAS  legal research intern.

The paper examines the legal and practical implications of a legally binding United Nations Convention on business and human rights and its implications specifically for the maritime sector.

Alejandro is a qualified Venezuelan lawyer from the Andrés Bello Catholic University with a master’s degree in Maritime Law from City University of London. Before joining Human Rights at Sea, Alejandro worked as Research Intern in the Civic Freedoms & Human Rights Defenders project at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. He also has experience as a Paralegal and as a Corporate Lawyer in Venezuela. He has previously also interned with the International Maritime Organisation and acted  as a volunteer with the NGO Journey to Justice. His mother tongue is Spanish, but he is also fluent in English.

Research Paper on an emerging UN Convention on Business and Human Rights

Research Paper on A UN Convention on Business and Human Rights. How it would look like for the maritime sector: legal and practical implications.

The paper examines the legal and practical implications of a legally binding United Nations convention on business and human rights and its implications specifically for the maritime sector.


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