Press Release

23rd March 2019

LONDON.UK. FishWise, a non-profit sustainable seafood consultancy and long term partner of Human Rights at Sea in the seafood supply chains has launched the Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE) .

About Rise: Businesses are increasingly held accountable for labor conditions throughout their supply chains, meaning they need to understand existing risks and how to address issues. In consultation with leading human rights organizations, FishWise has developed a resource aimed at helping companies with social responsibility. RISE offers seafood businesses streamlined guidance and actionable recommendations to: Evaluate their supply chain risks; Understand and improve labor practices; Engage workers and make improvements that matter; Communicate about their policies, expectations, and progress.

RISE is about more than understanding process. It pairs guidance with a referral hub that connects companies with experts who can help them accelerate progress. Among the listed experts in the referral hub, it features Human Rights at Sea and Human Rights at Sea International Limited ( HRASi), the charity’s subsidiary trading company which takes private instructions for maritime human rights work.

David Hammond, Founder and Trustee of Human Rights at Sea commented:

“Human Rights at Sea is pleased to further support one of its long-term partners, FishWise, with this new initiative, noting that all efforts to raise awareness of sustainability, transparency and abuses at sea, is very necessary and welcome in the collective effort”.

Please support our work exposing and raising awareness of human rights abuses at sea.