Press Release

10th December 2019


“I am a sailor and I stand up for human rights at sea”

London. UK. On World Human Rights Day 2019, from within the shipping industry, a merchant crew of eleven seafarers in eight languages show their solidarity and support in a video message to Human Rights at Sea and its work developing the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea , the online platform which is formally launched today.

“I am a sailor and I stand up for human rights at sea” was the message.

CEO, David Hammond, said: “As the clock passed midnight in the UK, a video message came through from a crew in South America thanking us for our charitable work and issuing a joint and unified message of solidarity for human rights at sea on this key day in the human rights calendar.”

Human Rights at Sea thanks the crew for their engagement and belief in our work. Thanks are also extended to our partners at the International Maritime Federation and the Chairman, Captain Sanjay Prashar, for his continued support from India.

#standup4humanrights  #humanrightsatsea