
Mr. Matthew Cox, CEO North Atlantic Fish, joins Human Rights at Sea Board of Trustees


Human Rights at Sea is very pleased to welcome Mr. Matthew Cox, CEO of North Atlantic Fish, who joins the charity’s Board of Trustees with immediate effect.

Chair of Trustees, Fiona Laurence, Legal Director at Mishcon de Reya LLP, welcomed the latest trustee appointment commenting that: “I am very pleased that Mr. Cox has accepted our invitation to join the Board of Trustees to help us take forward the vital work which Human Rights at Sea is developing in the sector. His own maritime and fisheries experience will assist our advocacy work to highlight abuses and offer supporting guidance alongside established UK and European fisheries organisations.”

Mr. Cox said: “It has been my pleasure to work with David Hammond and Human Rights at Sea over the past few years and to see the massive achievements that have been made by the organization, the recent highlight being the International Maritime Human Rights conference that took place last year.

Human Rights at Sea is starting to plug a gap that has been gaping wide for too long and has been obvious for all that are active in the maritime industry to see. The worlds’ attention needs to be focused on the silent atrocities that surround us whether it be the appalling safety records and conditions of vessel scrapping in SE Asia; the issue of forced labour in the worlds’ seafood supply chains or the desperate situation that exists for migrants attempting to make the sea crossing to European nations.

As a past seafarer myself, and as someone who has been involved in the commercial side of the maritime industry for over a decade, I am committed to those goals promoted by Human Right at Sea. Through my involvement in the National Federation of Fishermen’s’ Organisations (NFFO) and as Chair of the NFFO Safety Committee I hope to bring knowledge and influence to bear so that we can make a career at sea a safe, rewarding and enjoyable profession for all.”


Human Rights at Sea is an independent maritime human rights charity registered in England and Wales (No. 1161673) established for the benefit of the international community for matters concerning explicit engagement with human rights issues in the maritime environment. Its Mission is to explicitly raise awareness, implementation and accountability of human rights provisions throughout the maritime environment, especially where they are currently absent, ignored or being abused.

For further information:

Human Rights at Sea, Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Road, Havant, PO9 1SA, UK


