Human Rights at Sea Investigative Report & Case Study

The Human Impact of Denial of Crew Wages to Seafarers 

MV Sharjah Moon IMO 7516503

Hamriyah Port, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

“They didn’t care about the crew some crew trying to suicide themselves, (sic) but we rescued them.”

Human Rights at Sea supported by the NGO Justice Upheld has today published a detailed investigative report and case study into the matter of Indian and Sri Lankan crew of the MV Sharjah Moon IMO 7516503, some of whom have been denied payment of owed wages for in excess of 16 months and consequently, remain in the UAE unable to return home to their families.

The case highlights the issue of crew being denied wages fairly earned and the human consequences of the denial of basic human rights by owners and operators on both them and their dependent families.

The report details the facts, provides redacted evidence, highlights crew and individual impact statements, as well as details the monies owed to date which total United Arab Emirates Dirham Dh 200,000 or Euros €48450.78.

The fact that at least two crew have written suicide notes speaks volumes as to the mental state of the crew who have been isolated by the owners and made to suffer unnecessarily.



Photo credit: Vladimir Knyaz-2012

  • On 9 May 2017, the crew of the MV Sharjah Moon docked in to Hamriyah Port to contact the Indian Consulate in Dubai. Onboard are six Indian Nationals and one Sri Lankan National on the basis of the vessel being in grave and imminent danger.
  • Currently, the crew have been denied salaries for over 16 months. Many of the crew have been sending requests to sign off weekly for over six months.
  • During the period of dispute, the owners changed flag from the UAE to Zanazibar in May 2016.
  • The crew’s health situation has deteriorated. The company has not provided fresh food and water for over a month despite repeated requests. The crew have also run out of fuel for cooking and heating, further aggravating the health conditions onboard.
  • For much of the last 12 months, the crew have been denied contact with their families. Despite losing his father last year, one crew-member was not allowed to return home. The strain of this on-going trauma has put the individual in a fragile psychological and his crew are increasingly concerned for his welfare. The mother of another crew-member fell ill three months ago, but the company has refused to pay any wages that could be sent home to assist, or allowed the crew member to make calls to his parents.


Crew Case Study


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Justice Upheld

Justice Upheld is a free and an independent international humanitarian organisation, supported by a campaign team of lawyers and activists working for the protection and furtherance of human rights. We provide free legal advice and representations to those denied access to justice including victims of injustice who do not have the financial means to assert and redress the breaches of their human rights. Justice Upheld is not connected to and/or is in any way affiliated to any faith or religion and/or any political party.


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