Press Release

24th March 2019

“He left us to work to make life better for his family” said his Uncle. “We are very proud of him, but we want him back. We want him to visit his Grandmother’s grave.”

London. UK. Following on from two previously issued Indian seafarer abandonment case studies from vessels currently off the UAE coast, today, Human Rights at Sea publishes the third family statement on behalf of AB Mayur Gawade. This case once again highlights the negative effects on immediate and extended family who rely on the wages from one family member who works in the commercial shipping industry.

“On the 5th March 2019, in a small village outside of Pune, India, the Human Rights at Sea team met with the family of AB Mayur Gawade of the MV AL NADER, (Offshore supply ship) IMO 7027502, UAE Flag.

At the time of writing, AB Gawade remains abandoned onboard his vessel off the Sharjah OPL anchorage, UAE, after 18 months without pay amounting to USD $6000, and no ability to see his family.

During the period of his absence, he was unable to attend the funeral of his Grandmother eight months ago, whilst he remains the main earner for the immediate and extended family. The following is a testimony and insight on behalf of the family in India, as to the issues faced, and consequences of the abandonment of Mayur.”

Abandonment. A Pattern of Human Rights Abuse.

Abandoned Indian Seafarer Family Statement on behalf of AB Mayur Gawade off UAE Coast

The detailed testimony of the family of AB Mayur Gawade as to the effects and consequences of his abandonment offshore the UAE for 18 months without pay and ability to see his family.

Abandonment. A Pattern of Human Rights Abuse.


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